Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Brutal Truth - Evolution Through Revolution

This was the last known full length CD album by these legendary grindcore trailblazers BRUTAL TRUTH after more than 10 years hiatus. Released under well known Relapse Recs. in the middle of April 2009, this CD contains 20 tracks which they are really absolutely top-notch grindcore. It is quite literally like having a steam roller drive over you for 30 minutes as your teeth grind into the asphalt. Yet it is much faster than that. For anyone who has ever had racing thoughts; pop this album on your turntable and prepare to get psycho.
Most importantly, the album sounds extremely modern, as if Brutal Truth was in a constant state of evolution while away from the spotlight. Many new areas are explored, with most directions yielding results that put bands with similar approaches to shame. Twenty songs, forty minutes, no nonsense, all grind. Kicking off with the awesome "Sugardaddy" and continuing at the same breakneck rate for its duration, it's a barrage of blastbeats, throttled guitar necks and caustic barked vocals. So there you have it, Evolution Through Revolution is a record so good that it can only be described by pointing out how it kicks other bands' asses. Enjoy then.

Download Brutal Truth - Evolution Through Revolution full album.

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