Grindcore from france! and this was their last CD album released in 2009. "The 5th Season" is Inhumate playing like Inhumate, however it is Inhumate overcoming Inhumate! Confused words? Hear "The 5th Season" and you will understand, but first you should hear the other excellent albums of the band. "The 5th Season" impresses for the intelligent lcover: simple, but very well elaborated showing a human machine thinking, showing a contrast between the silence of the thought and the sonorous brutality that is approximating... Pressing the "play" you are buried by a GrindCore avalanche of the best sonorous quality... and unquestionable brutality. Still grinding on with the blasting contents, approximately more almost the compositions that appeared noisy for the dense sound. The riffs are tight for slamming- picked, bending also fast drilling that what the tones are mentioned dissonant- more for the usual.
"As ever, there are no vocal effects on this album", the liner notes to the new Inhumate album, The Fifth Season, proudly exclaim. Now then, considering that Inhumate is a grindcore band and therefore part of a genre that often features vocalists that do their best to imitate dogs, bears, pigs, rotor engines and/or various industrial-grade farming equipment, this little piece of information ceases to significantly impress. No thoughtless that INHUMATE have done the great works after several years from 1993 firmed in scene’s, much compliment to this band for the live performance. We are not to go to the stalk but the war zone you know that.
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