Avant Records was released this fourth studio CD album by this free jazz grindcore fussion legend--Naked City in 1993. Consist of 19 tracks which all were full filled with The jazz and the rock n' roll, the surf and the grindcore/metal weirdness. It's all here and presented in such a way that once you start listening you are hooked. Every musician on this recording shows unbelievable talent and skill, and John Zorn has arranged each track superbly. Songs getting more and more complex as time goes on (after the first, spaz jazz track), from easy surf to violence a la "Torture Garden", radio delves into all sorts of "genres" and twists them with classic Zorn wit and prowess. Everything is performed at a stunningly high level, regardless of style. After this, the album moves into more of a metal direction-- its not really the sort of hardcore stuff that we saw on the debut, but rather more varied. So, just check this one out, you won't be let down.
so this is jazz or grindcore, huhhh!!
double two thumbs up!!
gila.. blm prnah denger... jazz + grindcore..
ikut download dulu.. baru ntr comment lg..
Mas Kesit, gila albumnya!! Totally Awesome!! Saya baru denger Naked City. Sebelumnya udh prnah denger John Zorn, tapi baru album ini yang bikin saya shock!! Tiap bagian bikin gua bengong, gak nyangka free jazz bisa merambah ke grind core, hardcore, oldies, dll, wahh kumplit.. namanya juga free..(hahahaha kmana aza gw baru tau album ini??)
Thx banget buat sharing albumnya. Ditunggu postingan yang album Torture Gardennya yah. Masih penasaran.
Thx.. Salam kenal, Bendhotzz Punda
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