Released in 1986 by Clay Records, "Grave New World" was the second full lenght from this legendary D-Beat hero - Discharge. Formed in 1977, Discharge often considered among one of the very first bands to play hardcore punk, and mixing punk with metal. Some crucial Metal heros even doing some cover song from Discharge like, Sepultura, Anthrax, and Metallica. Consist of 7 tracks in this "Grave New World", it seems like they really try to sound more similar with heavy metal then the previous album - "Never Again" (1984). Somewhat, it was so far removed from the band's seminal hardcore origins, stylistically and philosophicallyspeaking, that it really might as well have been credited to a different band. Well, maybe this is not the best Discharge by a long shot, but an interesting rarely. For you who want to check Discharge playing some heavy metal tune, get it.
Download Discharge - Grave New World full album
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